Welcome to N'alag̱a Consulting
N’alag̱a Consulting offers a unique array breath, embodiment and land-based cultural empowerment facilitation services, cultural consultations, decolonization and reconciliation workshops, and supportive processes for suicide and relapse prevention through an Indigenous lens.
N’alag̱a, Avis O’Brien, is a Haida and Kwakwaka’wakw artist and consultant specializing in practices of decolonizing and reconciliation through land-based immersion, cedar bark weaving, and a lifetime of experience as a Haida & Kwakwaka’wakw woman navigating the world. N’alag̱a has dedicated years to preserving her cultural teachings by continuing the work of her ancestors and creating safe spaces for Indigenous people to learn, heal, and practice their craft.

Land-Based Empowerment
Cedar Workshops

ɫokʷimas - You are Strong
Youth Suicide Intervention Initiative
N’alag̱a is the project lead, lead facilitator and the lead in curriculum development. She utilizes a positive connection to bak̓wa̱m (Indigenous) identity, a̱wi’nak̕wa̱s (land), breath, body & culture to heal from the attempted and ongoing impacts of colonial genocide.
Safety and trust is built through building a container of belonging for youth.
I felt deeply moved participating in N'alag̱a's Decolonizing Practices and Cedar Weaving workshop. N'alag̱a gifted us with song and lessons about the healing that Cedar can bring. She shared openly, with both power and humility, about the impact of colonization, the strength and resilience of Indigenous peoples, and stories from her life’s journey. As she spoke, I grew in clarity about the need for decolonizing practices. I also felt inspired with ideas of how we can implement these practices into our day-to-day work, and felt more grounded in the spirit that underlays decolonizing practices.
Esther Jaang(she/her), MA Counselling Psychology Student